Tag: 401k to gold ira rollover

Achieving Safe Retirement Accounts

Safe Retirement Accounts

The majority of assets in retirement accounts have faced catastrophic losses in the past decade as a result of major economic contractions in United States economy that have been referred to as “the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.” American investors from California to New York have scrambled to invest in safe retirement accounts that could hedge wealth and even encourage gains if market conditions are appropriate. Since the beginning of the current economic downfall that started in 2001, gold IRA and silver have shined as the only assets that give investors the retirement account safety and profit potential that they desperately seek. Investing into gold will be a great idea, especially to retired people who want to continue earning money while enjoying the retirement. click here for related details.

Beginning safe retirement accounts with a gold and silver IRA is a relatively short process that usually takes between one to three weeks to complete, depending on your current retirement account status. Shifting over current IRAs or rolling over 401k to gold IRA rollover, 403b and SEP plans into gold and silver backed IRAs have become very popular with investors seeking safe-haven diversification because in the past decade, both metals have increased in value more than 400%, proving their ability to thrive when mainstream assets like stocks, bonds and real estate flounder.

In order to truly benefit from owning gold and silver, it’s very important that you work directly with a reputable precious metal exchange that has a long-standing history of providing excellent service and pricing to investors. Reputability is very important, especially when you are dealing with hard-earned wealth being transferred into gold-backed IRAs. The Better Business Bureau is an excellent tool because it allows you to see a company’s rating, comments, and complaints. There is currently only one long-standing dealer that holds a flawless A+ rating, zero complaint record with the Better Business Bureau, and they are the Certified Gold Exchange.

Safe Retirement Accounts

Gold IRA rollover can do better what others are doing. Investing into gold is really special, but make sure you do not fall into the trap of scammers who are always pretending to be a good investment gold companies which will disappear like ash after when they have got your money. This is something special to be carefully plan in order to have a safe retirement funds.for more details, visit : https://www.irs.gov/

So many people who are already retired with their job are looking for someone to help them invest into something that could still generate them an income even if they are already retired. One of the best options to consider is to invest into gold IRA which we can assure that every amount of money invested are in the safe investment company.

If you feel that you could benefit from safe retirement accounts with gold, contact one of our experts at the Certified Gold Exchange and let us guide you on the road to peace of mind with the security of gold in your hands. Receive your free “Insider’s Guide to Gold IRA Investing” by visiting on of the best gold IRA companies.


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Investing in Real Estate With Your IRA

Investing in Real Estate With Your IRA

A little known fact about IRAs is that you can use them to invest in virtually anything. Many of us are so accustomed to plugging our retirement funds into stocks, bonds, and mutual funds that we never explore the investing universe that is open to us. Buy gold with your IRA? You bet. Tax liens? Easy.

Investment property?Of course! Naturally, there are restrictions, but those mainly deal with who you buy from, who you sell to, and whether or not you actually touch the money. If you are not happy with how your retirement fund has performed over the past several years, then you owe it to yourself to learn more about self-directed IRAs. click here for further info.

Why Real Estate?

Our retirement funds are normally invested with a long-term, buy-and-hold focus, for a time horizon of ten years or more. So, which performed better over the past ten years, the Dow or Real Estate? The answer may surprise you.

The Dow kicked off 1999 right around the 9,500 mark. Over the next four years the market lost about 2,000 points (more than 20% of its value) before it began a stunning five year climb to 14,164. In early 2008, the market collapsed and ended the year back at 9,000. After hitting a low of 6,547, the market has recovered to about 8,200 (as of this writing). So, from January 1999 to January 2009, the Dow’s wild roller coaster ride left its buy and hold investors down 500 points (-5.3%) and that doesn’t include the 800 points we’ve dropped since then. The last decade in the stock market has been tough on buy and hold investors.

So how did the Real Estate market fare? Let’s use the US Median home price to compare. In January 1999, the median home price was $153,000. For the next four years, the housing market experienced a steady climb to $182,000. That was a 19% gain in housing while the Dow was busy shedding 20% following the Dot Com bust. Housing shot up to $254,000 in early 2007, and we all know what happened next. The housing bubble burst and prices plummeted to zero, right?Not exactly. It appears that the national median price bottomed in March 2009 at $202,000. That is a pedestrian 20% drop from its peak as compared to a stunning 54% free fall for the Dow. More telling, however, is the fact that the US Median home price posted a 56% gain from January 1999 to January 2009, while the Dow lost 5% during the same time period. Which numbers would you choose for your retirement funds? for more details, visit :https://investor.gov/introduction-investing/basics/investment-products/real-estate-investment-trusts-reits

Investing in Real Estate With Your IRA

Certainly this is a simplistic analysis for a relatively short time period, however it does reinforce the precepts that the stock market is more volatile than real estate and that the real estate market, while it tends to increase slower than stocks, also tends to hold its value better than stocks. For a long-term investor these are desirable characteristics.

How to Invest in Real Estate

Next, determine your goals. Are you looking for short-term gains or long term appreciation? Are you willing and able to invest the time to educate yourself and then to find and manage your investments, or are you willing to pay a professional to perform these services? How much money do you have to invest?

Finally, build a team of real estate professionals. Real Estate is truly a team sport. There are so many facets that no one person can learn it all, and you will reach far greater heights with a team than you ever will investing solo.

The bottom line is that recent history has proven that real estate is a solid long term investment and deserves a place in any retirement portfolio. With the fear and confusion in the market, there are outstanding deals to be found and real estate might be just what you were looking for to give your Gold IRA a boost in the decade to come.


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How to Avoid the Pain of Investing

How to Avoid the Pain of Investing

Oh, the pain of investing!

Life’s a beach

What would you say your investment pain threshold is? High? Or, are you someone that needs the security of absolute returns like CDs? click here for more details.

Most of the time we don’t associate investing with pain. We love to dwell on double digit returns and how great it will be when we get to retire and sit in a corner counting our gold like so many Scrooge McDucks. We are awash in visions of buying boats and golfing, of European vacations and cabins in the mountains. Everywhere people are always smiling and laughing with their friends while sipping wine at different vineyards and life is good. All thanks to the wonderful folks at Madison Avenue and invest your money to the best gold IRA companies for a better future.

But the reality is often much more harsh. During my years in the investment business rare was the call from someone sitting on a beach sipping too sweet a drink and being waiting on hand and foot.  More often than not when I picked up the receiver the investor calling in was generally suffering from some type of distress.  Sometimes, and thankfully not often, they would already be in some kind of mental meltdown.

Reality isn’t a game show

Between sniffles and nose blowing they would want to start to begin trying to piece together the ugliness that their 401(k) or IRA statement was highlighting. Questions began to be peppered at me along the lines of “How did this happen?” or “What am I going to do?” or  “I don’t understand…!” or even worse “What did you do with my money?!” Will you invest your money into gold IRA rollover? for more related details, visit : https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/plan-participant-employee/rollovers-of-retirement-plan-and-ira-distributions

How to Avoid the Pain of Investing

Begging them to take a deep breath and finally getting them to settle down I would begin the process of dissecting their investments  and would begin probing them with a discussion that went something like this:

Me:  Ms. Jones, I see you’ve invested in XYZ and that it’s dropped about 30%…

Ms. Jones: THAT’S what I’m trying to tell you!! It’s dropped!! And now I can’t retire!!

Me: Tell me why you chose XYZ.

Ms. Jones: What am I going to do now? *sob* I was going to use that money to buy my retirement home and…

Me: I understand, but, please tell me WHY you purchased it. It’s in a pretty volatile sector.

Ms. Jones: I KNOW IT’S VOLATILE!!! Look what’s happened! *sob* I’ll have to work 25 more years to recover! *sob*

Me: Maybe, maybe not. Why did you choose XYZ?

Ms. Jones: Because my (brother, uncle, friend at work, mother, boyfriend, etc.) said that this was going to take off and make people a lot of money and now it hasn’t and…

Ugh! Gives me the shivers.

Pain can be good

That happened more times than I care to share with you. But, in truth, maybe XYZ might be a good investment. Just not for Ms. Jones. You see, Ms. Jones found out that she really didn’t have the pain tolerance for an investment that could take wild swings. She only saw an upside and didn’t factor in a downside. Sure, it MIGHT give great returns, but, it’s possible it MIGHT tank as well. It’s amazing to see how many people have no idea about the background of an investment they’ve made and many times one they’ve made based purely on word of mouth.  And to make matters worse some folks put ALL of their eggs into the one basket instead of just dropping in a couple of the eggs. Greed will kill ya.

The market only averages about an 8-10% return. Take a look at it’s history. But, that’s not a bad thing. Just because it’s not producing double digit returns every year doesn’t mean it’s not worth investing in. Ask Warren Buffett or the guy buys companies like Dairy Queen.  Not exactly a company making the headlines of the Wall Street Journal everyday. But, he believes its stable and steady. Now look at your investments.  How do they compare?

So, before you make your next investment or before you call up your broker to bite his head off take a minute or so and ask yourself why you purchased the stock or bond or whatever you’ve purchased and consider whether or not you were really prepared for the ride it produced.  Your reaction to the pain is a very good indicator. That is why investing into the best gold IRA companies are better compared to any other precious metal investments. Visit the following webpage http://www.401kgoldirarollover.com/top-rated-gold-ira-companies/ to check out reviews of reputable gold ira companies.

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